The museum has a number of permanent and temporary displays. These cover the history of Corwen, local arts and culture, local industry, ANOB and the railways.
When the museum opened in 2015 the predominant subject displayed was the birth and re-birth of the Llangollen to Corwen Railway with some information about Corwen themes. It was found that this limited scope of subjects did not attract sufficient volunteers to open the museum on a regular basis. Detailed consultation with local residents resulted in a major reorganisation of the content of subjects and artefacts displayed in the museum in 2016. The information and artefacts about the railway were moved upstairs to join the model railway and model Corwen Crossville Bus Garage.
This resulted in the recruitment of 30 volunteers allowing opening on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 to 16:00 from 2016 until the present day.
The museum regularly organises ‘days out’ for volunteers and members of the Society with recent venues being Bangor Museum, Bersham Iron Works, Wrexham Museum, RWFArchiving, The History of NE Wales in 100 objects and Yr Ysgwrn, the home of Hedd Wyn.
Examples of themes introduced in 2017:
Owain Glyndwr. This is one of the permanent themes in the museum and it has proved very popular with visitors both from local and far afield.
The content of this display has regular review and additional information has been added to the display as the subject is researched and local people have made contributions to the story.
Farming in Edeyrnion was a temporary theme together with other farming artefacts and will feature from time to time in the museum.
This display has a synergy with the displays about Drovers and the Corwen Creamery.
It is also regularly reviewed and updated, and new artefacts added with the help of local farmers.
At the beginning of 2018 the Corwen Museum opened with a spectacular Open Weekend full of displays and activities based on remembering the First World War. The replica dug out inside and army camp outside, where visitors could taste the food ate by world war 1 soldiers, proved very popular, with almost 500 visitors over the weekend. Weapons used by soldiers and the uniform wore during WW1 was on display.
Included in the WW1 Exhibition is information about how Corwen and its villages helped the war effort and the Books of Remembrance for the 144 men and 1 woman named on the War Memorials in Edeyrnion.
On the 10th May 2018 Museum volunteers visited the Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum at Caernarfon Castle for a guided tour. They were able to learn more about the many men of Edeyrnion who joined up to fight with the RWF in the First World War.
The Museum is also celebrating the Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, with the beautiful work of renowned stained-glass window designer, Alf Fisher, displayed in our lovely chapel windows. They are amazing and worth a visit.
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